Language Bank process
Describing a process
This diagram illustrates the process of paper-making./This diagram shows how paper is made.
First/First of all, logs are delivered to a paper mill, where the bark is removed and the wood is cut into small chips.
Next/Second, the wood chips are pulped, either using chemicals or in a pulping machine.
Pulping breaks down the internal structure of the wood and enables/allows the natural oils to be removed.
Once/After the wood has been pulped, the pulp is bleached in order to remove impurities. /…is bleached so that impurities can be removed.
The next stage is to feed the pulp into the paper machine, where it is mixed with water and then poured onto a wire conveyor belt.
As the pulp travels along the conveyor belt, the water drains away. This causes the solid material to sink to the bottom, forming a layer of paper.
At this point the new paper is still wet, so it is passed between large heated rollers, which press out the remaining water and simultaneously dry the paper/…dry the paper at the same time.
The final stage is to wind the paper onto large rolls./Finally, the paper is wound onto large rolls.